When a crisis happens, A10 assists our clients in developing and implanting crisis communications plans that ensure our client’s brand is protected. Our team at A10 is experienced and well-versed in guiding clients through difficult situations. In addition, A10 understands…
Category: Success Stories (page 4)
Category: Success Stories (page 4)
U.S. Government Approves First Major Offshore Wind Project
On May 11, 2021, the offshore wind took a very significant step forward when the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) approved Vineyard Wind’s 62-turbine offshore wind farm located about 15 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. This is…
CDR Maguire: COVID-19 Response on Behalf of Florida
The logistical challenges faced by state and local governments nationally as a result of the COVID-19 crisis are immense. Scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies, along with fierce competition between states and healthcare providers, caused many entities to…
Helping our Clients Emerge Victorious from Crisis Situations
When a national or worldwide crisis unexpectedly strikes, it’s important to take immediate action in order to get results. The A10 Associates team stepped in to assist our client with its short term funding needs so it could keep going.
Providing Energy and Cost-Efficient Lighting for a Southern City
Light and lighting systems are an integral part of urban infrastructure. In times of constantly rising energy prices, light is also a cost factor that needs to be given a lot of thought.
Developing Policy for College and Retirement Savings Service Provider
A10 Associates developed and led grassroots coordination among state leaders around federal policy to enhance the profile of state auto-IRA programs.
Constructing State Policies for A Civil Engineering Firm
Working closely with our client, A10 Associates identified local sourcing partners in their state and influenced state policy.
Building Networks for Southern U.S. State Delegation
With boots on the ground in states across the country, our experts are in tune with what motivates stakeholders nationwide. They know how to market to their interests.
Expansion of Tolling Solutions in the US
Safety and traffic flow are factors that determine whether people keep using certain roads. Our client has reimagined tolling and roadside solutions to integrate vehicles, infrastructure, and people into one, seamless mobility experience.